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Laundry on the balcony

If you decide to put the washing machine on the balcony, here are some things to keep in mind.
1. The height of the front-load washing machine is generally 85cm, and the height of the laundry table should be 90cm! And the top-opening washing machine needs to reserve more height space. Before doing it, you must measure and reserve the size.
2. The sink and laundry table must be made of high and low platforms. The height of the sink is about the crotch, so that it will be easier to wash clothes by hand, and it will not be too tired!
3. The power socket of the washing machine should not be installed directly behind the washing machine, otherwise it is necessary to leave extra space for plugging in. It is the most scientific to install it under the sink!
At the same time, it is recommended that you leave the position of the drain and the drain behind the sink, and definitely not in the middle of the Balcony laundry cabinet, otherwise it will be difficult to install!
4. If the sun on your balcony is serious, you must do a good job of sun protection. Don't make the washing machine cabinet made of wood. It is best to choose a brick laundry table.